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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Causes of dry, flaky skin around the nose.

Each person has different skin. Some people have dry skin, many people have oily skin. Most people may have normal skin, but almost everyone has skin problems. And the problem that many people have to face is dry skin around the nose, which causes annoyance.

How to use skin care essence for beginners.

Essence is a skin care product or what many people often call skin care. Essence is a watery or light liquid that is rich in various skin care substances such as vitamins, minerals and various extracts. Most often, natural extracts are use as ingredients. Essence is design

How to use emulsions effectively?

Emulsions are another skincare product that is popular today. However, many people still wonder how emulsions are different from Lotion, since both share the same moisturizing properties. Emulsions are skin care products that are different from lotions, moisturizers, serums, and creams. First of all, we

What is Cleansing VS Cleanser.

When it comes to facial cleansing, many people think that just rubbing the face with facial foam is enough. But this is the wrong way. In order to prevent clogged pores, inflamed acne, blackheads, cysts, and other facial skin problems. Such as dry skin and

Foods you should eat and avoid during menstruation.

Having a balanced physical and mental health is the ultimate desire of everyone, especially women in the premenstrual period and during menstruation. Which often has unpleasant symptoms that can disrupt the balance of life during that time, such as stomach pain, aches, acne, or irritability.

Metabolism-boosting foods you should eat.

The burning of energy in the body is cause by substances Metabolism in the body. Which will change the food we eat into energy, causing the burning of energy. But for slower energy burning, it can be cause by many reasons, such as stress, accumulat

Parsley is rich in beneficial nutrients.

Today, parsley is widely use as an herb and spice. All parts of parsley can be utilize, and can be use in a variety of dishes to provide a mild aroma and bitter taste. It can be add to salads, sauces, or add to soups,

Recommend 6 healthy snacks that won’t make you fat.

Eating snacks between meals or frequently can make you fat. It would be better to choose. Healthy snacksTo get nutritional value, it is important to organize a variety of snack types and to arrange each type in the right amount so that you don’t get

What is the correct way to jump rope?

Before starting to jump rope You should practice your hand and foot coordination first by practicing jumping on your toes without using a rope. You should not jump too high. Then you can jump together with the rope according how to the following steps. Those who jump rope

Causes of tooth decay.

The main factor that causes tooth decay is bacteria in the mouth. which will react with the food eaten and causing the tooth destruction process in the following order Formation of bacterial plaque on the tooth surface.  The mouth is home to a wide variety of bacteria. When